Saturday, September 17, 2016

The Beginning

Rain GardenThanks for visiting the blog!  I'm excited to use this space for a couple of things: to keep friends and family updated on what we're doing, and also to give Micah and Asher (and eventually Josie Grace) a place to write, learn how to use the Internet, and authentically share what we are learning.

To learn more about us (who we are, curriculum we've chosen, etc.), check out the About page.

I am the mother of a kindergartener.  He's closer to 6 years old than he is to 5!  He was so excited to start school...we actually started in June, took a break in July, and started back up again in August.  It's hard to believe we're already about 25% through our year!

Sampling of what we've done so far
  • Classical Conversations - We're excited to be part of a brand new local community!  Micah is in a class with a tutor and several other boys ages 4-6.  We attend Monday mornings/early afternoons, and subjects studied are history, geography, English, Latin, science, math, public speaking, and fine arts.  Right now he is in the grammar (vocabulary) stage, and he's learning about all kinds of things I imagine aren't usually covered in kindergarten - William the Conqueror, Richard the Lionhearted, 7 wonders of the ancient world, present and imperfect tense Latin conjugations, types of biomes, skip counting by 6s, symmetry, 8 parts of sounds intense, but he's loving it.  

  • Authentic learning experiences
    • Made homemade salsa, chicken, and icing (measuring, following directions)
    • Bought sour gummy worms at the store with the boys' own money (how to read prices, finding an item you can afford, paying for an item with cash, receiving change, getting a receipt)
    • Wrote a packing list for vacation, wrote a birthday card message (gripping a writing utensil, letters, words, greetings/signing a letter, communication)
    • Played in the sand and water of Lake Michigan
    • Nature walk

  • Rain Garden
    • Buying native plants
    • Digging
    • Planting
    • Watering
    • Watching plants grow

  • Read Alouds
    • Paddington
    • Various books from home and the library
    • Bible stories
    • Audio books

  • Physical Exercise
    • Bike rides
    • Walks
    • Playing outside

More to come!  :)