Thursday, October 13, 2016

Everyday Learning - Blogging

One of the great things about homeschooling is the ability to take learning opportunities as they come and weave them in to whatever it is that I need to accomplish that day.  This post is part of a series on doing just that - integrating learning in to the everyday.  The two previous posts are on bullet journals for kids and healthy eating.

kid blogging computer literacy education digital literacy

Real Life
When I was in college, one of my professors asked what seemed to be a very odd question: Why do we teach kids to read and write?  Answers ranged, but he was really trying to get to the simplest answer: to communicate.  When kids learn how to read and write, their ability to communicate grows exponentially.  And now, 15ish years later, I still believe he was right.  I would add, though, that digital literacy has also become integral to modern communication.  Most people text and talk on a smartphone.  The Internet is used for just about everything - research, finding contact information, and checking the weather.  I want my kids to be digitally literate without involving unnecessary screen time.  Writing a blog post (you can read it here) was on my list of things to do anyway, so...why not have Micah help?

Kid Actions
  • Picked pictures to post
  • Named computer files
  • Observed how I emailed pictures from my phone to the computer 
  • Captioned pictures
  • Typed name
  • Hit the "post" button

digital literacy communication education typing blogging email

Things Learned
  • Keyboarding skills - location of the letters in his name, how to type a capital letter, how to backspace
  • Email - attaching pictures, sending from phone to computer
  • Summarizing - captioning what was happening in pictures
  • Writing Process - revision: first draft to final draft


Any other ideas on helping kids be digitally literate?