Friday, October 7, 2016

Everyday Learning - Healthy Eating

Soon after Jeremy and I got married, I had a conversation with someone that went something like this:

        So, what do you guys usually do for dinner?

        Me: Um...we do ham and cheese sandwiches a lot.  And 
        Zatarains.  We really like their Jambalaya.  

        You don't cook or plan out what you're going to eat?

        Me: No...I don't have time for that.  Why, is that bad?

Well, a LOT has changed in the last 9+ years since we were married...including the addition of three little people that need to be fed!  These guys (including their dad) plus my own desire to be healthy have been the greatest motivators in overhauling what we feed ourselves.

Real Life
For one week, we've cut out overly-processed foods and have started "clean eating."

     If ingredients are goes back on the shelf.

     More than 5 ingredients...back on the shelf.

     Sugar in it...back on the shelf.

     Flour not clearly marked as 100% whole
     guessed it...back on the shelf.

We are currently on Day 5, and Jeremy and I will regroup this weekend before I make next week's shopping list and discuss if we want to continue.

Kids' Actions (mostly Micah)

  • Accompanied me on a trip to the grocery store to shop for healthy food
  • Had conversations about the changes we have made this week
  • "Looked" for sugar in ingredient lists (even though he can't totally read yet)
  • Carried processed food out of the kitchen and down to the basement
  • Dealt with being told "no" when asking for junk food (especially graham crackers)
  • Ate healthy food!

Things They'll Learn

  • Eating healthy food is important and should be a priority because it makes our bodies healthy
  • Sugar is in lots and lots of store-bought items
  • Know exactly what you put in your body by reading the ingredients
  • Eating healthy food is a decision that is doable
  • Mom and Dad think that eating healthy food is important

I've been getting this message - reduce sugar and eat whole foods for better health - from all sides.  Here are some of the materials that have influenced this change in our lives:

Have you tried clean eating?  What has your experience been like?