Monday, October 10, 2016

Pictures - October 10, 2016

All pictures were selected by Micah for this post.  Here's a quick peek at what we've been up to at the White house!

 Asher clearly enjoyed his roasted marshmallow (pre-clean eating)  :)

Micah loved our backyard campfire

Literacy with a postcard from Alaska! 

Asher and Daddy building

Micah building 

Asher and Josie looking at cookbooks

Picking out a super hero meal for us to cook

Asher and Josie picking vegetables from Nana's garden

Waiting for the jousting to begin at the Fishers Renaissance Faire

A knight waiting for the jousting competition to begin

Josie "helping" with the laundry

Josie getting more confident on her feet

Micah drawing at school (Classical Conversations)

Field trip to Science Central


  1. What a very fun and educational week!!
    I LOVE it!!!! (Nana)

    1. Thanks, Nana (Mom)! :) They are seriously learning all. the. time.
