Sunday, December 11, 2016


Telling you this way may seem odd to some.  After all, isn't there some risk in spreading the news this early?  What if something happens?  Well, to be honest, that's exactly why I'm telling you.  So that you can be aware.  So that you can pray.  So that you can walk through heartache with us if it comes to that.

I'll just say it: WE ARE EXPECTING BABY #4!

fourth baby

Surprise!  No, really, SURPRISE.  Over Thanksgiving weekend, exactly one week before we found out, I told my grandmother that we were done having kids.  Because of the difficult adjustment I had of going from two kids to three, I was convinced that three was the number for us.

There were other reasons to be done, too.
  • Rhythm and Routine.  I've finally gotten into the swing of having three, and our days and lives are very full with these kiddos.
  • Advanced Maternal Age.  I just turned 35 (side note: 35 doesn't seem old enough to be called "advanced maternal age," right?!), and risks are higher.  I was hoping to avoid those risks, especially since Micah and Asher were both born prematurely (36.5 weeks and 34 weeks, respectively) and each spent time in the NICU.
  • Babies are expensive.  We've found that it's best for all of us if I stay home full-time and do some odd jobs here and there instead of working full- or part-time.  God has definitely been providing for us, and we are trusting that He will continue to do so.  
  • I had plans.  Like cleaning out all of the baby stuff (already started this one).  Like donating most of my maternity clothes (done).  Like moving the Pack and Play out of the living room for GOOD.  Like NOT adding the extra seat back in to the van until there was actually room for it.  Like never again going through that sleep-deprived-I-need-coffee-sleep-baby-SLEEP stage.  Ever.
When Jeremy and I found out about this new little person coming in to our family, we both laughed so hard.  Which is basically the same reaction we've had when we've told anyone...because we thought we were DONE, and we're clearly not.

This baby wasn't in our plans, but it was definitely in God's.  I wonder what He has in store for this new little life!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Nana! Another grandbaby to add to the mix! :)

  2. God always has a plan and you know it's a great one at that!!!

    1. He is growing us through this fourth pregnancy for sure! Excited to see what this new little baby will be!

  3. Congrats to you all! Joining you in prayer for baby & Momma! ~K
