Saturday, June 24, 2017

Update - Baby #4 at 33+ weeks!

We are now 32 days - 32 days! - past being admitted to Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee.  Only 24 days to go until July 18 when she will be considered full-term at 37 weeks.  Here is a quick update on where we are:


The baby has looked healthy throughout this pregnancy, and we thank God for that.  This past week, I had another ultrasound where they got a good look at the baby.  They estimated that the baby weighed 5 lb. 10 oz. (!), and she measured at 35 weeks and 2 days instead of 33 weeks and 1 day.  Such a relief that she is measuring big!  They also checked her diaphragm movement which predicts how well she will breathe once she's born, and that looked great, too.


I've continued to have anywhere from 2 contractions in a day to over 41.  There has been just one day since we were in Nashville that I've had none.  We ended up back in the hospital last night where contractions were about 5 minutes apart. After a shot of Toradol, they slowed down to 7-8 minutes apart and I was released to come home.  We are very thankful that these are only pre-term contractions and not pre-term labor.

Over the last four weeks, I've been doing a whole lot of...not much. I love to be active, and sitting on the sidelines has not been easy.  I've had to greatly modify any type of exercise (including lifting Josie at all), only work on the big-basement-clean-out-project when I have help, and let go of the daily habit I'd just gotten into of keeping our main living area clutter-free and picked up every day.  I stay home a lot, drink almost a gallon of water a day, and try to reduce stress in any way possible.


The only way I've been able to rest so much has been through the help of family and friends.  We could not be more grateful!
  • Jeremy and I have been so blessed by both of our moms and their daily help with the kids, the basement project, and the cleaning.  Plus they provide me with some adult conversation, which is also nice!  :) 
  • We are also grateful to my sister-in-law, Jamie, for finishing up the school year with Micah (and Asher, too)!  They are learning so much, and they also get the bonus of cousin playtime twice a week.  
  • Our friends have provided meals, conversation, and coffee.  Since I'm home a lot, all three of those things have been very appreciated!  


Jeremy and I truly value your prayers as we navigate these next few weeks.  Please pray for:
  • this baby to stay in until at least July 18; if she does come before then, pray that she would be healthy and have no lasting effects of being born prematurely
  • my attitude - difficulty with being inactive, the end of being pregnant, worrying about the baby and "what-ifs"  
  • Jeremy as he continues doing just about everything for our family
  • Micah, Asher, and Josie as they are still adjusting to this new normal now, and then adjusting to a newborn sibling
Thanks, friends!  We love you!