Thursday, July 20, 2017

She's Here (and Mostly Healthy)!

As I write this, I’m sitting in a place I thought we’d avoided this time around – the NICU.  After being home for a day-and-a-half, we were unexpectedly readmitted to the hospital.  But first things first!

She’s Here!

Flora Marie White was born at 8:45 pm on July 15, 2017 at 36 weeks and 4 days (a “late-term preemie”).  She weighed 7 lb. 4 oz. and was 19.5 inches long.  She had a few small hiccups (low blood sugar and body temperature, slight jaundice, and a need for a little oxygen) due to her early status, but nothing that warranted admission to the NICU.  Overall, things went very smoothly in the hospital – sibling visits, a photo session (thank you, White Ivy Photography!), and she ate like a champ.  We are so, so grateful for this strong little girl.


Flora’s bilirubin count was higher than it should have been when we were discharged from the hospital Monday night.  We were sent back to the hospital Tuesday and Wednesday for blood draws, and the bilirubin results consistently came back higher.
Her little body did look slightly orange, and the whites of her eyes were yellow.  Because the level jumped significantly between Tuesday and Wednesday, we were readmitted to the hospital for phototherapy to break down the bilirubin and get rid of the jaundice.


Being admitted to the NICU after being home totally blindsided me.   Flora was so healthy otherwise – her weight, her length, good diapers and lots of eating…and we’d been home already!  Now we had to go back for wires and IVs and monitors?

I watched as the nurses admitted and evaluated her, took more of her blood for testing, put an IV in her tiny arm to give her fluids, put the mask over her eyes and turned on the bilirubin blanket and phototherapy lights, and I cried.  In the following hours, my emotions got the better of me.  This situation and everything leading up to it finally overwhelmed me – being in danger of delivering way too early, having Flora, starting to settle in at home with the other kids, Flora NOT being healthy and needing to be in the NICU, worrying about and missing my other kids…it felt like too much.


I was able to get some surprisingly good rest last night, which really helped improve my outlook and mindset.  Jaundice is not even close to being a hopeless situation, especially considering the amount of help she would have needed at 29 weeks in Nashville.  This time is very quiet and has given me a chance to adjust a little bit to having a fourth baby.  And our other kids are doing just fine with Jeremy and our moms, but I still miss them.  Most importantly, God is still sovereign and in firm control over our situation and Flora’s health.  He is truly before all things and is holding all things together.  For all of this, we are grateful.


We are definitely still in need of your prayers.  Please pray for:
Flora’s bilirubin count to continue to decrease
My ability to keep a good perspective as we face these challenges so close to Flora’s delivery
Jeremy as he keeps things going on the home front
Micah, Asher and Josie as they continually adjust to new situations

Thank you, friends, for your prayers and the incredible support you’ve given us for these last two months.  We love you!


  1. �� you guys! You are never far from my thoughts!

  2. Michelle, I love your perspective and giving this worry to God. When life seems unbearable, we do need to lean on God and His understanding. Your words remind me of Pastor Denny's sermon on human worries. It's totally human nature to worry, but God has no need to worry because He is in control and has a plan and purpose for everything. Flora is such a perfect and precious gift. I know His plan was to give her to such amazing and loving parents. My heart is overjoyed for you! Love you and yours and will continue praying for support and peace of mind.

  3. Michelle -- just read your post. Praying for all of you and hopeful that Flora gets home soon. I'm so sorry it has been a hard valley -- but I am hopeful in the Truth of Psalm 23. God doesn't leave us in the valley -- He walks us through the valley. Stay strong. You are dearly loved! - Brad Oliver

  4. How exciting!!! Answered prayers- she is full term weight, height, etc. We will be praying that her NICU stay will be very short and for her health. And for the other prayer requests for you and Jeremy and Moms and Kids. Wow!! Beautiful Flora Marie!!
    And the White Ivy pics- so precious!!! --Aunt Tiffany, Uncle Paul and Cousin Ellie, Ethan, and Eli
    We love you all and are so happy about Flora!!!!! XOXOXOX

  5. Michelle,
    You are all in our thoughts. We can not wait to meet Flora when you are all home and settled. Sending wishes for strength and healing your way!
    Nichole, Rief, Henry, and Oliver
