Saturday, October 22, 2016

Everyday Learning - 2016 Presidential Election

This post is part of a series on everyday learning.  Each post in the series contains 4 parts: Real Life, Kids' Actions, What They'll Learn, and Resources.  Previous posts include everyday learning through bullet journals, healthy eating, and blogging.

Real Life
I don't like this election.  Mudslinging.  Lying.  Scandal.  Emotions are running high as people scramble to endorse or not endorse, argue about incendiary issues, and attack the character of the candidates.  What must the rest of the world think as they watch our political process and the candidates we've chosen from afar?

This is such a ripe opportunity to help our children learn about political process and what it means to live in a free country.  There is much we can teach our children (and learn ourselves) as we go through this experience as a people.

Kids' Actions
    everyday learning education voting presidential election 2016 homeschooling
  • Accompany Jeremy and me when we vote.  (Picture, right: taken after voting in the May primaries; our whole family walked/rode bikes to our voting location.)
  • Discuss the election with us as it comes up.
  • Listen to our conversations with other adults about the election.  Kids are listening all. the. time!

What They'll Learn

God is sovereign regardless of circumstances.  No matter who wins this (or any) election, God will still be sovereign.  He will still be on His throne, and He will still be in total control.  No matter how bad the state of our country, He does not change.  He is always sovereign, always good.  (Check out this post by Max Lucado on God's sovereignty as it relates to this election.)

Life is precious.  Abortion is a hot topic, and with good reason.  I am unapologetic in my pro-life stance, and I believe that it is vital that we vote for the candidate who will protect our most vulnerable citizens.

That being said, I don't pretend to understand every situation in which abortion is considered as an option, and I am in no position to judge the women who decide to abort.  What I do know is what I have experienced as a mom through pregnancy and birth.  Here are just three of the things I know to be true.

My body ceased to be my own the moment I became pregnant.  This was very clear through the morning sickness, fatigue, and odd food cravings.

Babies' hearts begin to beat very early in pregnancy.  One of the few perks of having difficult pregnancies is extra ultrasounds.  I was privileged to have an early ultrasound with Asher - the earliest they were able to do - and as I saw his tiny heart pulsating on that black and white screen, I was flooded with immense relief accompanied by hot tears.

There are some tiny babies in the NICU.  Asher and Micah each spent over a week in the NICU, which was difficult.  My babies were fairly healthy compared to most of the sick babies there, some of whom were born very prematurely.  Babies are considered viable at just 24 weeks gestation - 24 weeks!  Seeing these tiny perfectly formed babies fighting for their lives increased my belief that abortion at any time during the pregnancy is absolutely wrong.

Who we vote for has great impact over our lives.  My kids are young, but I know that the next President will have a huge influence on all three of them.  One of the biggest ways this is true is through supreme court appointments.  Most (if not all) of our big issues as a country - the economy, education, poverty, civil rights, to name a few - will be brought before this court, and my hope is that those appointed will decide cases in a way that honors God and promotes what is best for my children and the rest of the American people.


What are your thoughts about this election?  Will the abortion issue affect how you vote?


  1. I love your perspective on this election and how to involve your children in the process. I only wish all parents were this wise and thoughtful! No matter how worrisome this time in our country's history is, it's a relief to remember that God is in control!
    Regarding the issue of partial-birth abortion which the candidates discussed in the last debate....
    anyone who thinks that this horrible practice is acceptable is NOT OK with me!!!!!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement. :) I'm glad Mike Pence is unarguably pro-life!

  2. 11/8, Election Day. I will cont. to pray, asking God for His mercy and to curb evil. I've also prayed that those candidates who are most closely following what the Bible says win their seat.
    I read what God says in His Word the Bible about the shedding of innocent blood. He decides absolute truth and I need to ask myself on every issue "what does God say about that?"
    I'm grateful Michelle for your involvement in the pregnancy center there. If you get the opportunity check out Brian Fisher and the Human Coalition. He is combining care, compassion, the Church with best business practices. I pray his prayer, that abortion will become unthinkable and unavailable in the whole world.
    - Tiffany

    1. His prayer is a good one - unthinkable and unavailable globally would be amazing!
