Monday, October 24, 2016

Pictures - October 24, 2016

One of the purposes of this blog is to keep friends and family updated on this journey of homeschooling (see more on the About page).  So, here are some pictures from what we've been doing over the last couple of weeks!  :)

Classical Conversations

Micah's class made a to-scale model of the solar system this morning.  The soccer ball represents Saturn (see the wire rings around it?), and the tutor is giving Micah (gray sweatshirt) a moon to put by Saturn.

Micah has clearly become comfortable giving his weekly presentation in front of his class.

Learning about whole notes, half notes, and quarter notes.

Hands-on Literacy

Read aloud time with Daddy (Three Tales of My Father's Dragon).

Asher working on coloring/writing letters.

Micah showing Josie his Bible and telling her about Job.

Micah picking out a recipe to make.

Asher and Josie looking at cookbooks.

Asher with the food (chicken in background and cookie) made from recipes in the Superhero cookbook.

Family Pictures

All three kids were in my cousin's wedding.

At the wedding.

After church, waiting for Daddy to go get the car.