Thursday, November 23, 2017

When You Are Overwhelmed

Thank you all for your continued prayers after my last post about the stress-induced muscle protrusion on my jaw.  I am so grateful to have the support system that I do!  The swelling and pain have gone down dramatically, and I continue to work on reducing stress. 

As I alluded to in my last post, we have had a lot going on in our lives.  Setbacks with selling the rental house.  Medical bills.  Health insurance.  Adding and adjusting to (read: sleep deprivationa fourth baby.  Managing four kids 6 and under.  Homeschooling.  Meals.  Cleaning the house.

The overall stress of life has been overwhelming at times.

I've had to figure out some Game-Changers (defined as "a simple new tool or new habit [that] can make what once felt difficult instead seem effortless" in this article) to reduce the overwhelm.  Here is a sampling of what I've done.

Two things here.

    overwhelmed overwhelming overwhelm
  1. I've had to make an effort to focus on facts instead of just emotion.  In the emotional moment, things can seem pretty bleak.  I tend to focus so intensely on the situation that I lose perspective.  And the truth is that things could be a lot worse.  Everyone is healthy.  We have the freedom to homeschool.  Jeremy has a steady job, and I am able to stay home with my kids.  I've written about having gratitude in the chaos before in this post.
  2. God is my hope.  I don't understand why these trials are happening.  I don't understand why things are turning out differently than I want them to.  But I do know that like Paul and his companions in II Corinthians 1, I have been under great pressure, far beyond my ability to bear.  And also like Paul and his companions, I have been forced to rely on God instead of myself.  That's not a bad thing.

Flora needs to sleep.  I need her to sleep so I can sleep.  Everything looks better with rest!  Now that she is four months old, I feel comfortable helping her learn how to self-soothe and sleep more in her crib and less on us.  Unfortunately, this involves some crying (on both of our parts), but I believe that teaching her how to sleep well is one of the healthiest thing I can do for all of us.

Some of the big stressors in our lives (selling the rental home and figuring out medical bills, for example) take lots of time and work to accomplish.  At Jeremy's suggestion, I broke what I needed to do for selling the house down to very specific tasks, mapped them out on the calendar and stuck to the schedule (for the most part).  I did this with the medical bills, too.  I've made more progress with way less stress over the past few days than I have in a long time.

This Game-Changer isn't new for me, but it is such a sanity saver that I believe it is worth mentioning.  Almost every afternoon, we set aside two hours for everyone to rest.  Josie (and hopefully soon Flora) naps.  The boys have one hour to lay down with nothing but stuffed animals and books.  They can read, stare at the ceiling and think, pray, make-believe with their stuffed animals...whatever they want to do with what they have while they are laying down.  For the second hour, they listen to audio books through AudibleHoopla or Overdrive (the last two are through our local library).  Our entertainment-saturated world usually bombards them from all sides, and I think it's important for them to have time to be quiet and still.  And there is the added benefit that I get a little bit of a break, too.

I'd love to hear some Game-Changers for you when you feel overwhelmed!  What do you do to make life easier?